Saturday, May 4, 2013

09 Dec 2012 Some people just pisses me off ! Mind Your Own F..king Business

Kind of upset when I was told off by someone at the Big Day Out For Dogs....

So sick of people telling me 'Don't do this', 'Don't use that', 'This is not good', that is not appropriate'.

I respect any constructive advise that suit our needs, and I appreciate people who helped us in the past few months but if you are going to just come and tell me off when you have no idea how much time and effort I put into Honeybun, you have no idea what it is like with a puppy that weight 50 kgs. If you just tell me off because you want to tell me off, then I rather you shut up, go away and mind your own business.

Just because I don't want to be rude and say nothing, doesn't mean what you said is right, or is ok with me for you to do that. You crossed my line, I can be extremely mean and rude too.

Honeybun is my dog, I do whatever I want and is none of anybody else business. I know I am doing everything I can and trying the best I can, no one, NO ONE loves Honeybun more than me in the entire universe, I want nothing less than the best for Honeybun.

I am no professional, I am learning too, I learn for Honeybun, I learn for us as a family. Honeybun is not aggressive, he's just playful. Yes, he gets excited and he pulls, but he is learning, give him a break and give me a break, I work really hard to teach him. I take him to school, I take him to swim, I go to class, I ask people when I needed help, what else do you want me to do.

Just because Honeybun doesn't behave like a guide dog doesn't mean everyone in this world has the right to come tell me off or tell me how I should treat my dog. You train your dog the way you want to train yours and I train my dog the way best suit us, simple as that. I am unbelievably pissed off!
I always try my best not to allow my dog to run to other dogs but other people just let their dogs loose and allow them to come to Honeybun's face then what do you expect my dog to react, just because my dog is big, doesn't mean he is not a puppy, but when he reacts, that's Honeybun's falut? What the....Why don't you have some manner and keep your dogs close to you so they don't get to other dog's face.

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