Tuesday, May 28, 2013

29 May 2013 Honeybun is clean now!!!

Honeybun had diarrhoea for 3 days after I gave him the raw bone!!! 
Obviously he is not used to raw and the bone is a bit too fat for him to digest!
He poo in my room 7-8 times because he cannot hold when he's having diarrhoea. 
He got better from last night and he is normal now!
I don't think it is very hard to imagine what he smells like after he had diarrhoea for so many days.... :(  
Since he is better, I decided to bath him today...he is now clean, smooth and smelling gooddddddd!!!

29 May 2013 Honeybun's Plaque has arrived

Finally, Honeybun's Plaque has arrived... 
It costed me $74AUD to order this from the USA, but I love the result!!!
Now all I have to do is add the date, then put it on Honeybun's room wall when I am done fixing Honeybun's room! Yeah!!!

Friday, May 24, 2013

24 May 2013 Honeybun's Personalised Birthday Tshirt!

I already got the wooden plaque to record Honeybun's first birthday moment, but I also got a transfer and a Tshirt, I ironed the transfer onto the Tshirt... Personalised Tshirt completed. 

I won't be wearing it, I will properly get a nice picture frame to hang it on Honeybun's room wall next to the wooden plauqe!

At least 50% cheaper than I get a personalised Tshirt from the shops!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

21 May 2013 Honeybun's had his first raw bone ever

Got some Beef Briskets today after we went to the park......Honeybun has his first ever Raw Bone....I thought it will keep him occupy for maybe an hour or longer, but you know what!!!!

He finished it WITHIN 15 minutes!!! OMG!! 

I need something that can last a lot longer than that!!!! 

21 May 2013 Honeybun and I are at the park again

I am feeling very unwell today but I am still here taking Honeybun for a walk and practices...when you have animals (my kids), is like you having children, you don't get to take a day off, you are at work 24/7, 365 days a year!!! What a responsible owner (mum) do!!!

Had a little walk, a little run and a little practice on what I normally get him to do to get him into the listening mode!!!

Honeybun did Sit, Drop, Sit, Stand, Back Back and Drop in this short video, something that Honeybun can do with voice commands or hand signals only...if i can get his attention!!! :(


19 May 2013 Honeybun Water Rescue Training Day

Took Honeybun to the water rescue training again today! 

He tied up with the pole most of the time because he was very reactive (excited). 
Although there were a lot of very experienced people, I did not feel comfortable walking him around there, because if he decided to run to other dogs or people, he can easily hurt me again. 

I made him wait, ignored him when he barks for attentions. He still got very excited when I decided is time for him to get into the water but I believe he will be worse if I didn't make him wait for all that time...Hopefully he will get better with more practice and by me getting stricter with other people who wants to approach Honeybun, because I had enough of people keep sabotaging my training with Honeybun... 

Teaching was tiring but not too hard, fixing the bad habits that Honeybun developed due to other people actions is extremely hard and frustrating...enough is enough, I rather tell other people to back off than not able to have some quality time with Honeybun just because I am too busy fixing problems that are not my fault!!!

As I expected, Honeybun did great in water, he is getting stronger and stronger, just so powerful.......

If you are interested, go to Honeybun's YouTube channel, the link below will bring you to Honeybun's water work video on 19 May 2013:



Friday, May 17, 2013

15 May 2013 Honeybun giving me the water bag....

As usual, we took Honeybun out on Wednesday, he normally behave extremely well..when we eat, he just drop till I tell him we are leaving.
When there were dogs, I can always get him to focus on me with food, or occasionally just praise, he never go crazy and I have been taking him to walk/run everyday to give him the exercise that he needs, and he was improving with his pulling, stop and response to his name.

But today, Honeybun acted really weird after we sat outside a cafe, there weren't many people, pretty quiet but Honeybun got up few times and almost knocked over our table. I calmed him down, he was then ok.

The weather suddenly turned really bad so we decided to quickly finish and go.
On our way back we had to across a street, it was pouring so I walked a little bit faster than normal holding the leash with both of my hands, all of the sudden, Honeybun started to run, at the same time I call out 'Stop', and getting myself to stand still as I was crossing a street, but he completely ignored me and kept running causing me to lose balance and fall real hard on the concrete floor with both of my knees.

At that point, Jensen FINALLY notice Honeybun ran with me on the ground trying to get up, he chased after Honeybun, Honeybun turned around with no intention to stop so I quickly hold on to his leash, he finally stopped, all this happened within less than 2 minutes.

I stood at the spot where I stopped Honeybun bending forward as both of my knees were in so much pain, my pants was ripped open around my knees areas and my hand was bleeding because I hit so hard on the concrete floor, I stood there for about 2 minutes then I managed to get to a chair by myself. 

My knees hurts a lot, I will go to the doctor if they are not better tomorrow, I can't handle Honeybun at this moment, I know as a responsible owner, we are 24 hours on call, but I just need to calm myself down and let my knees feels better!

I think Honeybun can feel how upset I am because when we got home I put him in the crate, he just quietly sleep inside without make any sounds. What happened to Honeybun today can be a combinations of factors, it never happened before.

It is so frustrating when I have been training him for 10 months already, things like this should not happen, but I am a responsible person, it is extra hard with his high energy level and over the top bubbly personality, but I will never give up, Honeybun will never be a backyard dog, no matter how hard it is.

It hurts so much

Honeybun: I didn't mean to hurt you mum, here's the hot water bag, hope you feel better soon!!!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

14 May 2013 Honeybun's plaque almost don

Received an email from the plaque maker about the progress of Honeybun's plaque, it is almost done. 

Still need to put the background and shellac, then is completed!

I actually asked the plaque maker not to put Honeybun's name on the plaque because the only way they can do that is to put his name straight down. I told them I prefer to get a stainless steel plate myself to engrave his name on. 

But obviously they did not get my emails because when I checked again, they already put his name on the plaque. 

It still looks pretty good though.

14 May 2013 Honeybun gets to play with his toy again...Finally

I removed ALL Honeybun's toys about a couple of months ago to stop him playing the pulling game and destroy everything like crazy and start training him for retrieve.

I went to the shop today and can't help but to buy a toy for him, he was so happy when I gave it to him.
He played for a while then I start asking him to "Give it", he obviously remember if he gives when I ask then he will be rewarded, so he was quite willing to give it to me.

With his over excited, too bubbly personality and lack of concentration with distractions, he never and still wouldn't give me the toy (especially ball) if he is in the backyard, he just runs like crazy with it and would not come near me even when I call. With the advice of a trainer (my friend), he no longer allow to play ball and if he does, he will have to be on a long leash. If he doesn't come back when I call then I can slowly pull him back, and the game stop immediately but if he comes back then I will reward him either will food or continue to play with him, so he knows it is always better to come when I call or he will get nothing.

He is really good at learning new things, extremely smart, but the distractions part still has a long long way to go, he gets distracted soooo easily, I get frustrated sometimes, but of course I know the rules, never show that side to your dog or he will think he wins...NO....I am the boss....I am always going to win!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

13 May 2013 Honeybun's Plaque

Received an email from the plaque maker on the progress of Honeybun's plaque today! 
Decided to make a couple of things to memorise Honeybun's birthday.

One is this wooden plaque with a picture that was taken on the day of his birthday.

Two is a T-shirt with a picture of him.

Both of them will be hanged up on the wall of his room! 

 Is not finish yet, it is just a the first stage...Will put completed product when I received it from the USA.

12 May 2013 Honeybun's Birthday Dessert and Homemade dog biscuits

Before the day ends, I must do something extra special to celebrate my baby's birthday.

Since I still have some left over ingredients from Honeybun's birthday cake, I decided to make a dessert for Honeybun, Dog treats Sundae...!

I also used the remaining ingredients to make some Lamb Liver Paws Treats and Heart Shape Dog Biscuits. Of course, Honeybun already had too much junk for his birthday, so he won't be having these treats soon, he can have them later when he behaves well enough!!!

12 May 2013 Honeybun's Birthday, he is one today!!!!

Can't believe my baby is one today!!! 

He loves the cake that I made for him ... it took me about an hour to make and he finish it within 1 minute. 

We took some very good pictures with him....We're all very Happy!!

Happy 1st Birthday my beautiful boy!!!


Saturday, May 11, 2013

11 May 2013 Making Honeybun's birthday Cake

Tomorrow is Honeybun's first birthday, didn't want to risk giving him a human birthday cake, so decided to make my own, of course nowhere near professional, but at least I know it is safe for him to eat the whole thing! 

1. Soak all natural dog biscuits, reshape it to heart shape and bake for 15 minutes.

2. Prepare cooked lamb liver mince.

3. Spread lamb liver mince on each heart shape cake base.

4. Assemble cake

5. Sprinkle Cheddar Cheese on top.

5. Finish with all natural round dog treats on the top layer.


Now... Is countdown!!!!

P.S. Prior to following this recipe, please ensure your dogs are not allergic to Lamb liver or Cheese.

11 May 2013 Took Honeybun to the park again

Took Sweetie back to the vet to recheck his bladder, he did not pee after he came home, the vet checked and said his bladder is small so not concern about it! Just when I thought what am I suppose to do if he still refuse to pee by himself, he treat my car like his litter tray, OMG, MY CAR!!! The vet is really nice, instead of charging me another consultation fee, she asked me to go back tomorrow and Tuesday, she will have a quick check on Sweetie for free to see if he can empty his bladder!!!

Then I took Honeybun to the park, there must be some kind of show or exhibition going on today, there were a lot of people and cars there.

I took Honeybun for a bit of walk, a bit of run and a bit if training, he got tired a lot faster than normal, thanks to the sun... He refused to anything anymore so I had to take him home.

He is now sleeping, snoring, making me sleepy too!!!

Friday, May 10, 2013

10 May 2013 Took Honeybun to the park again

I am a very lazy person when it comes to exercise and I have so much housework and other babies to look after that I believe I have more than enough exercise everyday. But, Honeybun can't have exercise if I am not doing it with him, although it is very tiring with all those works but I am still going to push myself more so I am doing the right thing by him!

Taking good care of an animal is never easy, it is not just about feeding them food everyday and say Hi and Bye in the morning before you go to work and Hi and good night when you come home. They are not just animals, they are family, they need a lot love and time from us, involve in our lives with a lot of interactions.

And of course, feeding them might not be very expensive but feeding them right require a lot of research and vet bills can definitely be very high.

I picked up my cat from the vet after he got hospitalised for 5 days due to crystals and bladder issues and it costed me close to 2 thousand Australian dollars, but it doesn't matter how expensive it is, I will never give up or let them suffer when they can be treated.

I will continue to do the right thing by my babies and will never give up on any of them no matter what!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

08 May 2013 Honeybun different type of exercise

We have been out all day with Honeybun, first we went to Glen Waveryley for lunch and afternoon tea.

As usual Honeybun attracted a lot of attentions, talked to a couple who googled Newfoundland when we were having afternoon tea in a cafe.

Honeybun behaved really well the whole time except when a lady came over and asked for my permission to take a picture WITH Honeybun, he was ok when the lady was standing up but as soon as she bended down and got too close to Honeybun's face, he reacted, he got up and start licking her, and I told her not to do that or she will not be able to take a picture with him, she respected what I said and was able to take some really nice pictures with Honeybun!

I recently learned to tell people not to do certain things when they want to get near Honeybun, something that I never did in the past, but I think is time that people need to know the boundaries if they want to do anything with Honeybun, so Honeybun does not break his good behaviours!

After the afternoon tea, we drove to city to pick up something, then we decided to go to St Kilda beach, it was a long, boring journey due to the ridiculously heavy traffic, it took us 10 minutes to move 3 meters after we entered the CBD....

Finally we arrived St Kilda, it is Wednesday so there were not many people, we sat outdoor with Honeybun , enjoyed a beautiful dinner.

By the time we finished it was already 9pm, we quickly drove home and feed our cats and Honeybun.

Honeybun normally would come to bother me a bit before he would go to sleep after dinner, but obviously he is very tired as he's been out all day long. He normally sleep a lot during the day, but the only chance he had today was when he's in the car, however, he spent most of the time looking outside exploring all the new things, so when he finished his dinner, he was extremely tired and sleep like a pig.

I did not walk him in the park or take him to swim today but I think he had more than enough exercise today with us!

A very enjoyable day !!!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

07 May 2013 Honeybun and I heading to the park again....

07 May 2013

We are heading to the park again today, is so funny that Honeybun looks so huge in this picture. When I first got this car, I put the backseats down so he has more room but then I found him constantly moving around even with the seatbelt on, which is very dangerous for both him and us, so I put the backseat back up, only allow him to be at the very back so he can't reach us when we are driving, safer that way. The back is actually quite roomy, he looks so huge because he sits up, he can actually lie down very comfortably or stand up to see what we are doing at the front....!

Honeybun and I were taking a break after we walked and exercised for 45 minutes, he was tired but obviously still wants more...Did a little bit more heeling and running after that then we decided to call it a day....!

Honeybun looks so gorgeous in this picture (All the time actually), look at his arms, he looks like he is carrying 2 mops, or are they wings that he can actually fly with them ???  hahaha !!!

06 May 2013 Honeybun Swim in the Pool Again...

Due to all other activities and things that I have to deal with, Honeybun hasn't been to the swimming pool for quite a while. Although he loves water and loves swimming, he hates swimming in the pool!!! 

Because he doesn't like it that much (or at all), he refused to get into the pool and I had to lure him into it, not an easy thing to do either, he knows what's going on, and he is over 60kgs, he almost push (pull) me in few times, wasted so much time trying to get him in each time!!!

Honeybun hasn't got the perfect swimming style (I saw quite a few really perfect swimmers), but once he gets into the water, he was like flying, so beautiful.....
Love him, love him, love him...Although he didn't cooperate with me!!!

05 May 2013 Honeybun Come to mommy ......

05 May 2013, Took Honeybun to the KCC Park for his daily exercise... Took him into the pen, he ran for a bit, did some not so perfect retrieve then walked around the park. We went home after an hour, Honeybun wasn't too tired, he still has so much energy!!!

Daily exercise is a must to burn his energy, allow him to be out and get used to different environments so he will be less reactive to other people and animals due to excitement. 

I know it is going to take a long time before he will behave in the way that I want him to because I don't have anyone who can help me daily to train him not to react to other people and animals. But doesn't matter, we have a life time together, Honeybun and I can both grow and improve slowly.......!!!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

05 May 2013 Going to the park for a daily walk with Honeybun!

To burn his never ended energy, I have to start taking Honeybun for walks.
Hopefully it will make him tired so he can stop being so excited when he see other people and dogs!
We came home after an hour, he still came to me after dinner but he's more calm, and now he sleeps like a pig!

05 May 2013 My Honeybun is just so sweet and gorgeous

Honeybun is going to be one in a week, the baby face has gone, he is a handsome teenager now ....

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Honeybun's Water Rescue Training 28 April 2013

28 April 2013

Another Water Rescue Training Day, Honeybun did great today with the help of my friends.
He enjoyed the training so much and had so much energy that he did not want to stop!!

Took him to hydrobath after the training, again, it took me 2 hours to dry him with very weak dryer there.

Love seeing Honeybun enjoying his life!!!

Didn't have much chance taking pictures as I was recording for Honeybun and everyone else, already uploaded their videos on Youtube....

My Newfoundland Dog: Honeybun Water Rescue Training 28.04.2013


Other people's videos are listed in my YouTube channel.....!!!

Honeybun's Hungry Face also a Comfort Face 24 April 2013

I always see this face when Honeybun is hungry but this is not the case this time, he was sleeping when I was talking with an angry upset voice, he got up and show me his beautiful face, I gave him a kiss then he went back to sleep, such a sweet boy!

Love making fun of Honeybun 22 April 2013

[偷笑][偷笑]最愛作弄我的寶貝兒子Honeybun, 估計他應該在想 "媽!雖然我很愛你,但是我是男的,為什麼妳總愛這樣弄我,討厭[晕]!!!"

Just love putting my hair pieces on Honeybun, he properly thought "Mum, I am a boy, not a girl, stop doing this to me" hahahahaha!

Honeybun's pillow...Me 20 April 2013


I am Honeybun's pillow

Love Honeybun's focus 10 April 2013

喜歡你的專注,雖然不是常常百分百 [爱你][爱你][爱你]

Love your focus Honeybun