Thursday, June 13, 2013

10 June 2013 Finally can put ear drops on Honeybun easier

I had difficulty applying ear drops on Honeybun, he tried everything to avoid it. 

He tried hitting me with his hand, bit me, ran off, rolled over, kicked me...anything you can think of...It was a nightmare...BUT I figured out, since Honeybun loves food, maybe I can try doing it right before his meals, higher chance for him to cooperate.

The first couple of days still struggled a bit, but I did not give in, I didn't give him his meals until he cooperated. He knows now that he is not getting his food until after he had his ear drops, he just reluctantly let me quickly do it!!! Yeah!!! Finally I don't have to be tortured when I am giving him the ear drop....

Honeybun gave me a lot of muscles pain, more joints feel sore...Really hope he becomes easier as he grows up (With Trainings), so I can have less pain!!!!

I love you very much Honeybun, you better know it!!! (^^^)

Sorry for my not very good looking outfit..... hehehe!!! :P

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