Friday, December 26, 2014

14 Dec 2014 Honeybun and CoCoBaby at NCV Christmas Party

The Newfoundland Club of Victoria had their Christmas Party at the KCC Park this year...of Course we have to go....

14 Dec 2014 More pictures of Honeybun and CoCoBaby from Nov to Dec 14

22 Nov 2014 Honeybun and CoCoBaby, can I have some space to sleep....

Can I maybe perhaps if possible...have a corner to fit in please????.....

22 Nov 2014 CoCoBaby learn more things

CoCoBaby now walk into the crate by herself when I say "In" (of course we are right in front of the crate)....

She still try to push me when she goes in and out of the house but when I say "ar ar" (and I use my body to block her), she will stop and improvements...happy....

22 Nov 2014 More of Honeybun and CoCoBaby

22 Nov 2014 Honeybun and CoCoBaby play time....CoCoBaby ignore Honeybun

Put Honeybun and CoCoBaby out in the backyard for a bit after breakfast, Honeybun wanted to play but CoCoBaby just ignored poor Honeybun....

21 Nov 2014 Honeybun and CoCoBaby got caught .....

Honeybun and CoCoBaby got caught playing too rough, when told enough, both pretend nothing happened....

20 Nov 2014 CoCoBaby is a fast learner.....I have 2 pigs now...

CoCoBaby is truly very smart, she already started to pick up Drop, Stand and Check, of course need food to help but that's how Honeybun learn at the beginning, and she comes to me when I call her CoCoBaby, she makes change of name so easy for me.... very good today 

Love seeing them play, having so much fun then sleep like 2 little pigs next to me and snore like trains....

20 Nov 2014 I have a new view while eating...

My new view when I am having something to eat.....

19 Nov 2014 Day 2 Honeybun with new sister CoCoBaby

Day 2 with CoCoBaby..... Went out again today, as expected, they were fine except CoCoBaby kept pushing her brother to the corner of the car when we were driving....I notice CoCoBaby loves taking whatever Honeybun is having, a spot he's in, the water that he's drinking etc and Honeybun is not too happy about it, not angry but upset....

I decided to let them take turns, I let Honeybun finish drinking first then let CoCoBaby go to have a drink, reward CoCoBaby after Honeybun, Honeybun goes out and comes in first and serve food in the same order...I love all of my animals, they all get the same amount of love from me, but we have an order here and all of them need to learn and accept it....

They have been sleeping together in the kitchen today...looks like we can have them both in the room with us without the gate tonight...hopefully that means I get to sleep....
Here are more pictures of them together...adjustments and trainings in progress ....but they do get along, a good start... 

Already got the insurance for CoCoBaby today, she will be thoroughly check by the vet and at the right time, she will be will be done but not in hurry...
CoCoBaby did not eat much yesterday night and this morning, expected, but tonight, she enjoyed 2 small pieces of lamb neck (fat off)...good... the dry is going .... 

18 Nov 2014 Honeybun now has a younger sister...CoCoBaby

I would like to introduce to you..... Honeybun's sister CoCoBaby.....

We brought CoCoBaby home with Honeybun on Tuesday, we thought Honeybun would react so crazy with this new sister but surprisingly, he's so calm....they were able to lay down near each other on the first day when we went out for lunch, they walk together with no problems, they share the backyard, relaxing in the kitchen....

I feel proud and a bit bad for Honeybun, he is so gentle, so calm and so generous with his new sister, she keeps pushing him and Honeybun just let her have whatever she wants....

First night was hard, I had very little sleep as CoCoBaby made a lot of noise through out the night, kept waking me up, there are a lot of adjustments and trainings to do but with time and patient, I am sure we will be ok....

12 Nov 2014 Honeybun at Rye Pier

Sand here at Rye Pier are so soft...Beautiful weather, beautiful beach, Happy dog......

Did not plan it so didn't bring any water gears...but we did it anyway....

25-26 Oct 2014 Newfoundland Club of Victoria Water Rescue Training Camping at Lake Hume Tourist Park

Is the time of the year that we go to Lake Hume Tourist Park with Newfoundland Club of Victoria for our once a year Water (Rescue) Camping....

We all had so much fun, 2 days is really not enough.....

I made one video movie and one picture movie with our special moments.....enjoy......

My kayak looks humongous on my Jeep...2 days finish too want to stay longer...

18 Oct 2014 Honeybun on swing

Honeybun always find a way to make himself so dirty... Bath time soon.... But he is gorgeous no matter what!!!!
So much gradening work needed.... 

06 Oct 2014 Honeybun at Brighton and Rainbow house......

Honeybun behaved so well when we were having lunch with dogs nearby and when we were at the car park doing some loose lead training. But he got a little bit too excited when he saw Parker (another Newfoundland) and other dogs at the beach, we kept distant and play on leash first, everything were fine even after we let him off leash for a while, but then he decided he wants to go wild, so I put him back on leash and end the water fun.

We walked to the rainbow house, as soon as we walk, he became very calm, no problems whatsoever.

02 Oct 2014 Honeybun has super power.....

I am using my super power....
Mummmmmm...get uppppp....I want to eattttttt......